Revolution of the Sun

The background of my portfolio is a collage of pictures of the sun setting in front of my home in Wellfleet, MA over the course of a year. From my deck, I can see the sun progress from one island to the other across the horizon. The two pine trees are the focal point of the image and were what I used to judge the placement of the images. I chose this image as my background and non-textual element as it reminded me of the Copernican Revolution unit. Copernicus revolutionized how humans think about our place in the universe when he argued that the position of the Sun changes as the Earth revolves around it. Our understanding of the Earth’s revolution is a result of the Copernican Revolution. Before the Copernican Revolution, my collage could be used as evidence of that the sun revolves around the Earth. However, because of the work of Copernicus we now know that any differences in the orientation of the sun are due to the earth’s revolution. In this way, this collage demonstrates the progress of humanity. As humanity’s scientific knowledge has increased, our understanding of the world around us has changed.

When you view this collage, what parts of humanity and the humanities does it make you think about? How do you fit in this revolution of the sun?


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